veilles / 20 Sep 2011
TV + report 2011

Deloitte reports that in every generation, there is a super medium: the medium around which all others revolve. TV currently does this. In this year’s perspectives – polling 4000 adults – they look at several key aspects of television, from the rise and rise of TV viewing, TV’s relationship to social networks, TV and technology, TV advertising and the mediums direct impact on shopping. Here are the key facts and figures from the report.
• TV viewing has risen every year since 2006 and rose by 6% year-on-year from May 2010 to May 2011 (an increase of 364 million hours). To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to double the entire time the UK spent on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter in the same month.
• UK viewers spend 35x more time watching TV than on social networks.
• Ad revenues are commensurate with time spent on each platform: in 2010, Facebook revenues were estimated at just under £100m. This compares to £3.42bn for television for the same period.
• 6% of 18-24s found out about and consequently bought a new product or service via a social network whilst 20% of 18-24s found out about and consequently bought a new product or service via the TV.
• Television consumption and time spent on social media are both rising. However, if TV consumption were to stay flat as of May 2011, and if time spent on Facebook continued growing at the same pace as maintained in the last two years, in ten years’ time aggregate UK time spent on Facebook would have reached 10% of TV viewing.
• Social networks and television complement each other. People sue social networks as they watch television; social networks are used to talk about television.
• In 2011 DTR penetration is forecast to exceed 50% for the first time.
• Presently the average DTR household watches less than 15% of its television pre-recorded. This proportion has increased only very slightly over the last few years. In 2006 ‘live’ represented 88% of all viewing in DTR households; in 2010 the proportion was 86.4%.
• The key motivation for using on-demand services – common to 90% of users is to watch programmes missed when initially broadcast.
• The impact of TV advertising was highest among younger age groups. Among those with a favourite advertising campaign over the past year, 80% said this was a TV based campaign. No other medium polled more than 3%.
• Among survey respondents tablet computers are as likely to be purchased as HD televisions over the next 12 months (both polled 13% sample: all respondents (4,000)).
• Consumers are increasingly likely to watch TV while browsing the web at the same time. Almost half (c.48%) of the survey respondents now browse the web while watching programmes on a TV set “almost always” or “frequently”. Just under a quarter never do; among 18-24 year olds this figure drops to just 3%. A year ago, 38% of all respondents never blended the web and TV, and of those who did about half did so only occasionally.
• Portable screens proliferate: 1m tablets have been sold in the UK.