veilles / 07 Mai 2014
Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes Report 2014

Over half of online users say they have ever watched TV programmes or films online Watching TV continues to be the media activity that is almost universally carried out, with 96% of adults watching TV regularly.
Just over half (54%) of online users say they have ever watched TV programmes or films online, on any device; this has not increased since 2012. This rises to seven in ten (71%) of those aged 16-24.
In 2013, adults were asked whether they went online at home using a smart TV. One in ten (9%) adults say they go online in this way, with those aged 45-54 nearly twice as likely to say they go online through a smart TV, compared to all adults (16% vs. 9%). As in 2012, one in five (22%) of mobile phone users have ever watched a TV programme on a mobile phone, with one in eight (13%) doing so at least quarterly.
Most-missed media
TV continues to be the media that adults would most miss Looking across all platforms, watching television continues to be the media activity that adults say they would most miss doing in 2013 (42%).
However, this varies considerably by age group, with only 13% of 16-24s nominating TV, compared to around one third of 25-44s, and nearly seven in ten people aged 65+. Among all adults, half as many people say that they would most miss using a smartphone (22%) and 15% say that they would most miss going online through a PC/ laptop/ netbook or tablet.
As illustrated in Figure 8 below, there are significant differences by age. Younger adults are considerably more likely to miss using their smartphone; almost half of 16-24s and over a third of 25-34s nominated this. In contrast, almost seven in ten older adults (75+) say they would miss watching TV most, followed by listening to the radio.