veilles / 13 Sep 2012
A majority of tablet owners watch TV while using their tablet

According to the iPanel data, 63% of tablet owners used their device while watching TV in the last seven days. This is significantly more than any other activity done concurrent with tablet usage. Not only is the percentage of two-screen viewers high, the behavior is not limited to just a few shows; 41% of tablet owners’ total TV viewing time is devoted to this form of two-screen viewing.
When simultaneously using their tablet and viewing TV, many two-screen viewers used their tablet to enhance their TV-watching experience. In the past seven days, two-screen viewers:
¡ Posted comments on Facebook, Twitter, a blog or another website regarding a show being watched: 34%
¡ Visited a network or show’s website, fan-site or app: 25%
¡ Obtained information related to a show being watched: 21%
¡ Watched a video clip related to a show being watched: 16%
¡ Voted in a contest related to a show being watched: 11%
¡ Live chatted about a show being watched: 9%
Moreover, in the past seven days, 28% of two-screen viewers used their tablet to look up more information about a product advertised during a show they were watching and 12% purchased a product advertised during a show.
“It’s clear that two-screen viewing has quickly become widespread and is being used by consumers to more fully engage with TV programs,” said Risa Becker, senior vice-president, Research Operations at GfK MRI. “This is particularly good news for marketers; having a tablet at hand makes it much easier for consumers to respond instantly to commercial offers while they are top of mind.”
When it comes to consumer attention during two-screen viewing, 36% of concurrent TV/tablet users said their primary attention was on their tablet, 36% reported they were equally focused on TV and their tablet and 28% said their primary focus was on the TV screen.